What problems face your community? 

Caught in the teeth of a collapsed state within the larger recession with no clear dialog. - 

jeremy hight [USA ]



the problem with my community as you know is the damn Barclay's Arena across the street that got around NYC laws with the Empire State Development Corp declaring the place off-bounds as far as the city's concerned. we're gonna have to move. I hope the damn place collapses before anyone shows up.

I wish you could take the whole damn thing out of Brooklyn - things are really turning for the worse here. A 32-story housing building on the corner of Dean and Flatbush, tucked into the arena for example. Not sure you even know about his -

Alan SondheimJul 30, 2012 [Brooklyn NY, USA]



新潟長岡吉崎 地域問題 




直美妹 聡子でした(*^。^*)♪ 


Yoshizaki regional issues of Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture

'd Like to see a shopping mall!

More dining options within walking distance of the range ( Like to see a store) in the family can eat and drink can go to shop!

(* ^. ^ *) ♪

Satoko -- [Niigata, Japan]




There isn't enough love in the world - 

take the 8-bit heart graphic and just fill spaces with it.

Partrick Lichty [Chicago IL, USA] 



The infrastructure (streets, roads, bridges, etc.) in Providence, Rhode Island, is at a critical  level -- and the union members and pensioners who are eating up all available funds through corrupt and outmoded contract provisions refuse to make compromises to begin the processes that would initiate improvements and ward off disaster.

Estelle and Paul Berg [ Providence RI, USA ]







こんなんでいいのかな? -- Yoko  [Tokyo, Japan]

English Translation-
Neighborhood of the road is very narrow. I come into the car in cold blood in the white line, the first bus there was always surprised by a narrow margin with a pedestrian. What is good does this do?



boston is awesome. my community is somerville and there aint no problems here except crack and heroin. our community is dope. -- 

user - Inky Stainsworth -- [Somerville MA, USA]





In a land of opportunities and dreams, Micronesians are the smallest migrant group to be had in the United States. Here in the State of Hawaii, they have become the fodder for jokes and racial bashing simply because we come from societies and cultures where questioning authorities is unheard of. Besides the language barrier (the region of Micronesia has over 23 languages and numerous dialects), cultural mis-matches have resulted in large numbers of elementary and secondary school  Micronesian students being at the bottom of the totem pole and being put into ESL/ELL classes if not into special education classes. The cultural miscommunications have resulted in Micronesians being incarcerated simply because they kept saying “yes” without really have an interpreter present. This is especially true with the island groups of Marshallese and Chuukese.

Filibert Canisius [user - Hawaii, USA]



Well, that´s a great question: Here in Brazil we have many problems. Social-political ones. Infrastructual. Environmental. Public Transportion.

I can localize here in Brasilia the "corruption" and the efforts to try to legalize some practices. Burocracy is also another problem. 

 Tiago Franklin -- [Brasilia, Brazil]



My community is far too noisy!

Stephen Beveridge -- [New York NY, USA] 




here's is mine, good luck with the show, have fun

"free (art) trade is not fair (art) trade"

hope you are well,

Carlo Zanni -- [Italy]

police.hello: sir
we were somali refugee who are living in south africa, when we arive here there was a lot of community, who came from difference countries who got different prubose, so for us somalians, we somalians we run from unrest and civilwar for the last two decades. 
when we arrive the in South Africa, South Africa government 
granted us assylum with out any other finacial support and most of us we didnt have any skills to work. so that thing force us to go the informal busines. so we use to sale in the streets shoe, belts, wallets and etc, we strugle to manage our business very efficiently. and we became very successfully. so we move to black predominant townships to set up small shops. our shops became very very successful. and we help the locals who use to go far to buy groceries. we delivery stocks next to they doors,
after that. the local business peoples got jealousy and start to under mine our business same times they send arm robbery to rob our bussines and same times they send looters to loot our bussines and same time. they burn the people and business. it happen again and again without any solution from south african government and south African police.

Y: M: NOONE  [South Africa]



Us computer programmers are tired of being ostracized by mainstream society. Either give us more respect or we will send you SO MUCH spam email!

user -Nerdy McNerdington -- [Chicago IL, USA]



How are you? We hope you are in good health. We are happy to tell you about your question. Problem that community in Magway in Myanmar face
is too many the use of plastic bags in their daily life and they don't know how they can reduce the use of plastic bags in their daily life.


Toe Wai Khaing
Project Manager
Myanmar Social Initiatives Group, Magway  -- [Magway, Myanmar]



Thats a hard question but I would say that 'lack of sustainable, affordable, mixed tender housing, for people in Liverpool is one of the biggest problems'!

Charanjeet Birdie [Liverpool, Engalnd] 



The Stone Ridge Library, built in 1796 and visited by over 90,000 people a year has two walls that are leaning 16 inches and has limited funds to repair them.

BillTilDav  [Stone Ridge , NY, USA]



Here you go, and I hope this is suitable, I am already getting some pursed lips here in house.

Anchorage was recently voted both the worst dressed as well as the most violent city in the United States. As such I believe that the kids of Anchorage are not freaking their parents, teachers and beloved officials out enough and call for them to increase the DIY production of tattoos, facial piercing, irrational hair styles, atonal death metal and general anarchy. Also, they should really get into dada literature.  
Nathan S  [ Anchorage Alaska, USA]



One of our simple problems in Middle east is ( DISEMPLOYMENT ).

 hadia khalifa [Saudi Arabia,]




Hi mark:
I´ve been trying to get a photo of poor children working in here for more than a week (children of 3, 4 years old and so on) but i cant, i feel like i´m taking advantage of them and in last moment i just cant take the photo. It´s heartbreaking when u see a little children sleeping in the floor right next to you in a market while you are eating, it´s heartbreaking when u see then asking for money, controlled by their parents that cant realize that school its a better futuru for them...and queretaro it´s one of the best cities to live in mexico, imagine what the situation is in other areas.
The problem its so spread that i cant take an specific photo of an area, this is a huge, huge problem in mexico...
How can i help you?
Sorry in failing you in this one, tell me what to do and i´ll try.

Xabier Perez Fernandez  [Mexico City, Mexico]


The sewers in Kansas City are in dire need of replacement.
fran higgins:-* [Kansas City, Missouri, USA]


The problem is totally being fixed already, but:
Recently, a local church, which had been already suffering some hard luck, got struck by lightning; a major chunk or more of masonry fell off and landed through the roof and also fell to the ground, killing a local man who had been avoiding the rain. It was a tragic thing. Now the street is blocked off almost completely for repairs, and so that no one else gets hurt. There is one nice ending, though: our synagogue, which is right down the block, is now host to the church's worship services and other community meetings. So we are neighbors, all! 
We are very very sad about the man's death. The church roof, as well, has a gaping hole!

Sarah S. -- [Brooklyn, NY]



There are many, many talented artists in Africa but the paint is very expensive, even more expensive than here. That makes it difficult for artists to make art work. I want to solve this problem!

Eric  Ajama -- [Togo ,west Africa]


In the Philly art community...the
re is no money to support smaller galleries and artist collectives. there never has been
b/c there is no market.  but we don't care.  it's cheap enough to just fucking do it ourselves. but, its still a struggle, we have to make parties to survive :D

Kelani Nichole -- [Philadelphia PA, USA]



The problems here are with student loans. It cost too much to go to college. --

user - Steven Johnson -- [Texas, USA]



This is Maxime, to whom you just have talked on Skype. I have been thinking of another problem a little bit more lighthearted than spatial segregation !
These days in France there is a petition against patient gown in the hospital. Indeed, in France (I do not know about other countries), hospital gowns are splitted in the back which forces you to reveal your buttocks when you walk :

So, here is my little contribution to your project, I hope it will help you a little.

Good luck and good night,

Maxime Depalle -- [France] 



That is just one of the examples.

Ash -- [Chennai, India]


  • Hi Marina- it's a wonder this is still bugging us.
    from concernedinchina
    this is one of the most important causes.killers take some months in prison and never years,even if the laws allow.this cause is for every country take seriously the crimes Animals are victims of sadistic criminals.the criminals hate animals and they try to defend themself by saying the animal was "bad" but 1.what it...See More

    user >>  these.  -- [ Beijing China ]



    I hate the noise pollution on my street.

    Amy Eopesito  -- [Brooklyn NY, USA]



    "There is little or no serious work on manned space flight."
    Arthur Peters -- [Portland Oregon, USA]



    Girls are't taught self-defense in school.

    Kristin Anderson --  [New York City, USA]



    Hey what's up... The lack of unity is a problem in my community.

    Cfall   [
    Staten Island NY! -- USA]




Senkaku Islands, Takeshima,
Bright signs at all territorial waters is not visible to the problem beginning with the Northern Territories

That these issues will affect the public sentiment is very disappointing.
Sincerely wish you an early settlement.

Shunsuke  -- [Niigata, Japan]



Here's my one sentence (well actually two) about something that's
wrong with my community:

"Desperate, displaced people who arrive on our shores, endure long,
traumatic months in detention, and finally gain refugee status can
still be thrown back inside and kept there indefinitely without being
officially charged, going to trial or having the right of appeal; for
security reasons that are never even revealed to them. They are
effectively political prisoners, and rare is the voice in Australian
public life that is raised in outrage at their treatment."

That OK?

Warren -- [Sydney, Australia]



For problem facing my community - taken from the AR book story:

"A telescope sits on the roof of the tower block, overlooking the city
of London. Robin crawls from a hole, armed with her laptop. It’s early,
the sun has started to find its way through the gaps in the buildings,
and Robin finds the sight ugly. She hates the buildings as if they had
despicable personalities, she hates the smog that surrounds them and
imagines she hates the people that occupy them. She peers through the
lens of the telescope, she can see how briskly they walk, determined not
to be late, but not so determined that they would leave the coffee they
clutch behind. Looking at them scuttle together Robin wonders if they
even have individual identities"

Please find a picture attached

Hope this helps and good luck with the show!

David Miller -- [Bedfordshire -- England]



Here is the one sentence you to add with the graphic:

"Check out this infographic and discover not just the terrifying scope of our destruction, but three simple changes we as individuals can make to our routine to reduce our collective footprint."

Sarah Wenger


What used to be YoMama is now simply BURN; we are schooled in sarcasm.

Why is the right to bear arms more important that the right to have jobs?
-Margie D

Is NOW really the time, what happened to the long term nurturing of companionship?
-Margo Polo

You have got to chaperone your friends!
-Margaret D -- [IL, USA]


I am sending (below) a problem from Villars, Switzerland. It is so perfect up the mountains. A heaven like place where you don't think of any problems.  The only thing you need to watch out of is a suckling cow ... (there are many). I am attaching a jpg of the sign notifying hikers of the "danger".

Perhaps we could reproduce a 3D model of it?

Location: Villars, Switzerland
Problem: Suckler cows protect their calves 
Solution: keep your distance, please!

LS -- [Villars, Switzerland]


From: Lilach
Location: Rehovot, Israel
Problem: There is no peace. Too many seem to no longer care about the solidarity and humanitarian values we grew up with.
Solution: Place (augment) Shira's notepaper to Netanyahu over his official residency in Jerusalem
Background: On June 2011, Etgar Keret, an Israeli writer accompanied Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, on a diplomatic trip to Rome. His wife, Shira asked him to deliver Netanyahu a notepaper saying:
“Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, I beg you do everything in your power to bring peace, for the sake of the future of our children and yours. Thank you, Shira.” 
Keret did not deliver the notepaper.
Full article is available at:

Do you think we could augment the notepaper in Copenhagen as well as above the residency of Netanyahu? The official prime minister's address is:
9 Smolenskin Street, Jerusalem, Israel

Lilach --  [Rehovot, Israel]







楽しくて明るい駅にしてほしい! とにかく朝通勤で駅に行くと階段を上る足が重たい。



local problems ...

Since the earthquake, problems are everywhere in Japan.
Now I live in the area of where my parents lives (Kiyose, Tokyo) ...

the problem is my town is so dark! Are they saving power? the color is like granny is underwear!

Make our station more brighter color like pink or blue or green! Please!!

Aimi [Tokyo, Japan]


  • Hi Mark,

    We have this somewhat stupid problem in our smallish city of Leyden, where seagulls started living in the city and breeding on the flat roofs of buildings. This way they live near ample food supply in the form of garbage bags they easily tear apart and keep safe from predators like the fox which started frequenting their natural habitat, the nearby sand dunes at the sea shore.

    This is seen as a problem because of the litter caused by torn apart garbage and the loud noises the birds make.

    Now there are two obvious solutions which neither work in practice.

    1. Shoot the seagulls or otherwise get rid of them. This is not an option because the seagull is officially a protected species under Dutch/EU law.

    2. Stop putting garbage out in weak plastic bags on the sidewalk at random times but gather it in underground containers. This won't work because of lack of involvement or general disinterest with many inhabitants.

    This is of course not a big problem but something many people can get very agitated about and the most stupid fact is that the situation is unchanged like this since the twelve years I live here now.

    This random article is from 2006, the situation is unchanged:

    Good luck with your project, keep in touch!
    No Exemption From Fauna Law: Leiden vs. Gulls by Amy Posted on 25 August 2006 The government of Leiden will not seek an exemption to the flora-and-fauna act in order to alleviate the gull ‘problem’ the city faces. Political party CDA had pushed for such ac...

    Johannes La Poutre  [Leyden -- Netherlands]



    try this new sentence:

    Community range: worldwide - humankind
    "We have corruption.
    But the worst thing is that humans think about corruption as matter of money.
    No... it's a matter of soul".
    Oh, if u like You can still use the sentence i created for challenge31, about the dogs:Community range: worldwide - humankind
    "If humans can kill animals, not knowing their opinions, they could kill other humans because of their opinions". 
    The great problem is the anthropocentric absolutism.

    Use both as u like,

    Thank You,
    See You
    Renato Alberti  [ Italy ]



    The problem is pollution. There is smog almost everyday. Also, the bad economy in Europe because its hurting their business which is selling fabric to Europe but I don't think that's what you're looking for. 

    DK -- [ Mumbai ]



    The problem with Delhi was that there were too many people. - Delhi is very crowded. 

    Samarth  --  [ Delhi, India ]



    thank you for your mail. problems are always my domain!

    here are two of them:


    With my smartphone, I showed a friend of mine a really huge alien commander hovering in the augmented reality of her bedroom. She didn't like it and demanded: Delete it! Immediately! I know for sure this thing will bring bad karma!" When I told her that I couldn't delete her new alien roommate, she was quite scandalized. The same happened with other friends.

    The least thing I could do was to give my friends some hope. Hope that one day they will be able to bomb away all digusting household aliens - with 3d bombs I will invent. And the best thing is: You can already order such a bomb at And the second best thing is: As soon as technically possible it will really work.

    2) (this one you already know)

    My community of proud Facebook account corpses (AC) is still quite upset because Mark Zuckerberg keeps offending us by calling us 'active user'. In May 2012 we wrote to Mr. Zuckerberg: "Just because an account keeper presses the 'Like' button somewhere on the internet, shares a twitter message or has some automatic Facebook updates running which he doesn't know anything about you cannot withdraw the account corpse status from us!" (quoted from: www.movement-for-account- Well, still we got no answer!

Our little AR demonstration on the occasion of Facebook's going public event wasn't a real solution. But maybe the tremendous falling of the Facebook stocks can be interpreted as a first recognition of the huge Facebook AC community at least by the investors. But the stocks haven't hit the rock-bottom yet - which would finally recognize all of us.

Susanne Berkenheger  --   [Berlin, Germany]   



陈靖仇 - 中国江苏省淮安市




Huai'an is a small city. Nowadays, more and more families have their own cars. While the city getting bigger and roads getting wider, the traffic is getting worse. I remember when I was a kid, it was completely not so crowded on the streets and people usually ride bikes instead of walk. In China, big cities are facing big traffic problems.

username -- JingchouChen - [ Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, China ]


Problem: Cat being tied up at the church in Treignac, France.

Jamie Sneider  --  [ Treignac, France ]



The problem with Hong Kong is that there is not enough space.
I think hong Kong people should be legally allowed to migrate to other places as refugee for this reason.

Alvis Parsley [Hong Kong]



Location: Thonon, France
Problem: In my community, it misses the sense of community.

Thanks a lot Caroline!






The buildings in Tokyo is higher and higher. Those are blocking our view to see blue sky and stars. Please regulate the hight of buildings!... 
But I am getting tired of living in core of Tokyo so I am planing to move to Tama area which is suburb of Tokyo. The fields in front of us

Kazuko Ito [Tokyo, Japan]



宍道知子 東京

Japan has been pursued for capitalism and the welfare state at the same time but it's shifting to more like individualism rather than people helping each other. I am worried about the people who are in the weak position. The Japanese tsunami and earthquake made us one at that time but seems like it's fading and now the most serious problem is about energy source. We should talk more about radioactive to get rid of the fear in the public. I am concerned about that the priority of the government is seems like an immediate profit..
The future, the children, the earth, ...I am writing this because I believe that the people's will change the world. 

Tomoko Shinnji [Tokyo, Japan]


Robbery and crime are  problems facing the Kingston Jamaican community. I think the cause is drugs and hunger .

user - taxitron driver -- [ Kingston, Jamaica ] 


There are many, many  problems facing the people of Mexico.
The immigrates and their family in Mexico suffer because of distance and time. The separation and different living conditions create problems between the people in Mexico and the immigrants in the US. The living conditions are so different that the next generation, my daughter, has a lot of difficulty going back home when go back once a year. 
I watched my parents live under very very bad conditions and said I don't want my kids to grow up like this.   
I can kind of agree with drug dealers. This is their only chance to get ahead. They grow up and see how their parents live and suffer. I saw these people digging in lots of garbage. They dig very deep holes into the garbage looking for simple things. They life in houses made out of carton  There are no opportunities, the government hordes them all. This new president, he cheats. He spent millions buying the ballot cards so when the people travel 6 hours from the country side  to vote they are told there are no mare cards to voe with once they get to the voting center. 
I sleep thinking one day I will go home. I know this is not just my thought its the thought of millions of people in the US.

A problem facing the Brooklyn community is the taxes and cost of living. In Mexico when u buy land you own it and can do what ever u want. In Brooklyn if you buy it you still don't own it. You can't do anything with out  permits which the city often will not give to you. In Mexico you can plant a tree and chop it down if u want. Here you can't do any of this with out permission from the city.
At least here government in the US helps the people a little. They give my daughter a subway card to travel to school which is 15 stops from where we live. In Mexico, nothing. There are no jobs, in the city. How can you move if there is no money...

user - Victoria  [ Brooklyn / Mexico]


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